abortion ?
(too old to reply)
13 years ago
There are two kinds of abortion in the U.S. ‹ in-clinic abortion and the
abortion pill.
Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S.
an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.
I wonder if PP is confusing this with the 1 in 3 pregnancies that end
in induced (not spontaneous) abortion. Did they do an extensive poll?
If you are pregnant, you have options. If you are trying to decide if
is the right choice for you, you probably have many things to think about.
Learning the facts about abortion may help you in making your decision.
Learning the facts about adoption, and resources to help her if she
decides to keep the baby (like Birthright and -- here in Columbia, SC
-- Daybreak) is also of help.
You may
also want to learn more about parenting and adoption.
Unfortunately, I see little sign that PP is at all interested in
informing women of these facts and plenty that it is not. The
statistics for 2010 are startling:

332,278 abortions; 7,021 prenatal clients; and 977 adoption referrals

PP fought tooth and nail against the South Carolina "Women's Right to
Know" bill which makes it mandatory to make such information available
to women coming in for an abortion.

You can read about this in the multi-installment article I posted to
the abortion newsgroups, starting with:


Another thing that PP probably doesn't care to tell women about is how
they can get paternity support from the father of their unborn child.
Paternity support was a prime mover behind the newsgroup
alt.abortion.inequity, which I've added to the newsgroups.
This, of course, is a website with links to other websites. What a
woman gets told at PP would seem to be a different story, what with
the track record described above. PP knows which side its bread is
buttered on: in 2010, abortions accounted for over 50% of clinic
income from customers ("patients").
and some abortions are not so much a choice as the only or best way to
save a woman's life. And not a concern of a government official. like a
Of course, almost all pro-lifers allow it if it is the only way to
save a woman's life. But some, like the head of ALL, Judie Brown,
deny that this is ever the only way or even the best way to save her
life [except for ectopic pregnancies, where the child is doomed to die
anyway], in the USA. And I have yet to read of an actual case here on
Usenet that happened less than 10 years ago.

Peter Nyikos
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics -- standard disclaimer--
University of South Carolina
nyikos @ math.sc.edu
Mr. K
13 years ago
In article
so the question remains. Who decides. Your doctor or a judge. a judge
has no medical training and a decision can take some precious hours.
Sounds like a "Death Panel" to me.
Karma, What a concept!
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